who we are

About Us

Welcome to Elmwood Avenue Church Of God (EACOG)

EACOG is under the guardianship of the Church of God, general headquarters located in Cleveland, TN. This international organization has its overall vision and goals, however for our own purpose and growth, the current committee finds it necessary to develop our local mission and vision to address the spiritual, financial, social and intellectual needs of our local congregation

Having said that, a set of commitments was adopted which reflects the church of God’s core values in regards to fulfilling its mission and vision.


EACOG has a mandate to see people save and help them develop a relationship with Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit to live in the fullness of God and walk in the freedom of His Son Jesus Christ.

EACOG Mission Statement: REACHING the lost- EQUIPPING and EMPOWERING church members to live out God’s intentions through EDUCATION to fulfill the call to EXCEL.

Reach: evangelize near and far to find lost souls for the Kingdom of God

Equip: Equip holistically the body of Christ

Empower: Empowered by the Holy Spirit
We believe all Christians can be spirit filled and spirit led. “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Luke 11:13 (NIV)

Educate: EACOG believes that a proper education is needed to succeed not only in the physical world, but the spiritual world as well. Our program-based ministries focus on educating God’s chosen people with the inerrant, uncompromising word of God.

Excel: We believe as God’s children, we ought to excel in everything.

  • We will excel in faith
  • We will excel in speech
  • We will excel in knowledge
  • We will excel in love and
  • We will excel in giving

We will be a church equipped, empowered, educated to excel in the fullness of God.

To do so, we will focus on the following areas.


For mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people’ (Isaiah 56:7), says our God

The life of the church is the highest life, and its office is to pray. Its prayer life is the highest life, the most fragrant, the most conspicuous. When God’s house on the earth is a house of prayer, then God’s house in heaven is busy and powerful in its plans and movements. We will make our church a house of prayer by doing the following:

  • Make prayer a priority
  • Expect God to work uniquely in our community, our city and our state
  • Establish small groups amongst church members to intercede on a weekly basis on behalf of the church and its community


As a church, we understand Bible study is the backbone of the body of Christ. Hence, we will continuously read and study the Word of God while doing the following:

  • Expand our weekly Bible study
  • Use social media to stay connected in the word as a church
  • Develop small groups to do follow-ups and keep each other accountable
  • Develop a set of topics every 3 months to teach


We commit ourselves to identifying and developing individuals whom God has called and given leadership gifts and challenging them to become servant-leaders. We will demonstrate our commitment by:

  • Creating an environment in which men and women with ministry gifts are developed to serve as servant-leaders.
  • Equipping, empowering and releasing lay leaders to serve as ministry partners both inside and outside the local church.
  • Providing relevant resources and training opportunities for both clergy and laity.
  • Encouraging pastors to lead through vision, to communicate the vision to the congregation and to organize the body and each of its ministry groups so the vision can be realized. (Mark 3:13-15; 2 Tim. 2:2; 2:15; 3:14-17; Eph. 4:11-13)


We commit ourselves to the challenge of being a church that genuinely cares for one another and for those who are lost, hurting and needy. We will demonstrate our commitment by:

  • Building loving, caring relationships within families, between members, and within the communities we serve.
  • Obeying the Care Commission of Christ in Matthew 25.
  • Cultivating compassion and showing mercy to the unloved, the undesirable and the unreached of our society
  • Establishing in each local church some type of outreach ministry that demonstrates our genuine concern and love for the disadvantaged or oppressed. (Psa. 86:15; Mat. 25; Luke 6:36; Acts 20:28)


We commit ourselves to the principle of interdependence, acknowledging our interconnectedness and dependence on all the members of the Body of Christ. We will demonstrate our commitment by:

  • Reaching out to others in the Body of Christ for collaboration, resource sharing and learning opportunities
  • Encouraging members to build relationships with like-minded christians and like-hearted churches in their communities to work together to reach the lost.
  • Involving clergy in the processes of mentoring, coaching and consulting on the local, state, regional, national and international levels to increase the level of trust and support among ministers.
  • Engaging in dialogue and partnership with local, national and international organizations who seek to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ. (Col. 2:19; 1 Cor. 12:14-31; Gal. 6:1-6)


That we commit ourselves to utilizing every available medium and means to effectively maintain open and perpetual communication with our constituency. This commitment will be demonstrated by:

  • Understanding that communication is the process of exchanging information, imparting ideas, and sharing the message so it is understood by others.
  • Exploring the best media choices available to enable the transforming message of Christ to all mankind and cultural contexts.
  • Discovering new ways and means of efficient and effective electronic mediums to maintain continuous connection with our constituency.
  • Empowering ministry resources available to the church for immediate response to the needs of the world and the mission engagement of the church.
  • Employing every facet of communication to expand the global reach of Christ’s message, sustaining open exchange of ministry concepts, encouraging the strengthening and growth of local churches, enlisting and equipping the next generation of leaders, and fulfilling our mission and vision as a movement that is Christ-centered, people-oriented, and need-sensitive in all its ministry endeavors


We commit ourselves to the Lord’s command to make disciples of all nations, to develop committed and faithful followers of Jesus Christ, and to be people of conviction identifiable by:

  • Their commitment to know what they believe and who they are in Christ;
  • Their competence through spiritual discipline, calling, and empowerment, and;
  • Their character development, which will result in reproducing themselves, disciples making disciples.

This commitment will be demonstrated by:

  • Understanding that discipleship must be intentional for all believers upon their acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Savior. If we are to retain them, they must be taught and have someone who will disciple them..
  • Asking every ministry to prioritize discipleship in every facet of their ministry. Everything that is planned and executed in the church should be identified as part of the discipleship process for those who are involved. The church must understand that the growth process is ever evolving and must provide a framework by which growth can happen
  • Providing resources and discipleship experiences that will assist pastors and church leaders in the discipleship process, understanding that models may vary, but the outcome will be committed Christ followers.
  • Understanding that passing the faith to the next generation will require making disciples of all ages. Discipleship must begin at the earliest age and continue. (Matthew 5:43-48; 22:37-38; 28:19-20; John 14:15, 21-23; 15:10; Acts 1:8; 2:1-11 , 41-47; Romans 12:1-2; 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; Galatians 5:22-25; 1 Thessalonians 5:19-23; 2 John 6.)


We believe the church also plays a tremendous role in this development as pastors and teachers team with parents to encourage young hearts for God and provide biblical teaching for the home.We commit ourselves to education as a vital part of all phases of the Spirit-filled Christian life. We will demonstrate our commitment by:

  • Developing and fostering means of self-education with access to educational resources.
  • Sponsoring educational institutions to equip laity, ministers, institutions, and ministries. (Which we are doing by allowing MIP to use our facility)
  • Providing curriculum and materials which affirm the doctrines, practices, mission, vision, and commitments of the Church of God.

Follow through with the church's organizational chart to strategically plan each ministry within the church.